There are two types of reproduction, asexual, and sexual reproduction. Most organisms go through either one of these types of reproduction, depending on their species types. For example, humans go through the process of sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction, is basically giving birth to off spring that have inherited traits from each parent. Their eye color, skin color, and hair color are all traits that can be passed down from each parent. This is exactly why you have your looks from a mixture of your parent. 
   Asexual reproduction, however, is completely different. Taka a sponge for example, a sponge can asexually reproduce, which means they have the ability to give birth to an offspring that looks completely identical to itself. Not all creatures are able to asexually reproduce, and only a few can. The main difference between these types of reproduction, is mainly just what the offspring turns out to be. If the offspring looks exactly like the parent itself, then the chances are likely, they asexually reproduced, but if the child has features from both parents, then you can tell they sexually reproduced. 

Several days ago, we were subjected to dissect a frog. We could tell the differences between the genders, as we slowly cut into it. The first step, is to extract the skin layers on the top, then we were to open the skin up, like a window opening. Once we did that, we could see all the organs, and such, located in the different parts of the body. The obvious parts were seen, but some were deep within the frog, so we have to delve deeper inside to sought them out. The frog dissection was very useful, and we collected much information from it. We learned the different body parts, and there location, as well as their functions. Knowing this information might have some use to someone who will be giving operations to someone else.
    If I were to become a doctor, and I had to perform an operation on someone, I do believe that this dissection will help me plenty. The parts of the frog isn't much different than the parts of a human. The only obvious difference is that our internal organs are much bigger. I think I would have to find the incision line on the human body first, then I would trace the incision line on the body. I would have to be careful not to cut the organs while getting the incision line. Sometimes, in order to get that line prefect, you have to lightly trim the surface of the sk
Light can travel at different lengths, and different speeds/frequencies, which is often known as wavelengths. Wavelengths are the distance between two points, on the next wave. You when you see an object, or color, the image takes a step process to reach your brain, to interpret the object. Stage 1, is not seeing the object. Your eye is constructed of different parts, each with their own unique function. In the front of the eye, you have your iris, the colored part,the pupil, the cornea, and towards the inside, you have your aqueous humour. The aqueous humour is in the inside, that mosturizes that part of the eye. Towards the back, you then have your retina, optic nerve, and ligaments.
    The first step of seeing an object, is when it passes through the cornea, and is visible to the 
Rainbows are one of the joys of seeing the rain. Although we all love seeing the rainbow, we don't know how they are formed, or where the seven colors come from. The seven colors displayed in the rainbow, are the seven colors of the spectrum. Now that we know the seven colors, how are rainbows truly formed? When the rain is still fresh in the air and sky, the water droplets refract to form the colors of the spectrum. The water droplets break the seven colors down, so we can visually see the colors. In the sky, the rainbow only takes a portion of the sky, and that is because, on the electromagnetic spectrum chart, only the colors of the spectrum take a tiny portion of the chart itself.
    The colors seem to blend into one another, and that is because of the colors, and how they are ordered. So, technically, the rainbow is formed due to the internal reflection, and refraction coming from the light source. Reflecting, means it is simply coming back to your eyes, and refracting is the change in direction of the light. When the light is being refracted, thats how the rainbos contains it's arch shape.
Although, I have already theorized why te sky might be blue, I can now full explain it. The sky is blue, is similar to asking why the grass is green, or why the ocean is blue. Now, the ocean is blue due to color pigments, and several items in the ocean itself. The sky is blue, for a different reason. The sky is often thought of, as the light source in our sky, however, that is wrong. The sun is our light source, as when the night comes, it becomes darker. The light that is projected in the sky, are reflections, and the coloration cells in our eyes, that allow us to see the sky as blue. There are several colors, and shades of colors that we can view in the sky. Color blind people lack the part in the eye, where it allows them to see all colors.
    Back to the sky, if you were to take a mirror and shine light on it, depending on the type of surface the mirror is, is depicted on where the light goes. For example, if the mirror is laying on top of a bumpy rock, the light will appear as a different reflection go everywhere, and scatter. The scattering lights will disappear, if you have a smooth, flat surface. The sky is blue, according to scientists, due to the reflection of the light source. If you were to take a t.v. and center it in a dark room with chairs, you could see the chairs, simply because they are illuminated from the t.v. screen. They aren't exactly visible to the eye, but they are in the light source's reach.
There have been many theories of why, indeed, the sky is blue. Although, I cannot reveal those theories, I will attempt to pretend, as if, I was an individual who didn't know why the sky is blue. I, myself, actually have two theories of why I believe the sky is blue. For one, I believe the particles, floating in the air, somehow condense, and create the color blue. I have always believed this, and in fact, when the sun goes down, the sky suddenly changes color. In that case, you can barely see the sun on the horizon, there fore the light is probably being reflected. If you were to look at the planet Earth from outer space, it would seem very life like, and earthy. Some of us aren't quiet sure why the sky continues to be blue.
   Another one of my judgemental theories, is simply the fact that, there might be light reflected from the Earth. We are constantly in a rotation on our axis, so when we are finally looking at the sun, we can have some type of light. The light is then reflected from a specific place, and the sky is appeared to be blue. This logic of mine, might not be as sophisticated as others may put it, but my opinion isn' as deft as it seems.
Over the years, scientists have become more skilled in the art of discovering fossils, and knowing how long ago they actually were. Some fossils go all the way back into the Paleozoic era. Our time has been broken up into several eras, epochs, and periods. We use the geologic time scale to determine which era or time period comes first. The fossils that have been found in colder climates, such as Antarctica, have been looked up, and examined. Some geologists still have no clue, but the rest have a general idea of where they came from. Several millions and billions of years ago, all the continents were once together, in a form known as Pangea. Pangea contained all the land masses and held real life as well. All was well, until volcanic eruptions, and plates began to slip under the earth, causing the continents to break apart. The mammals, or living organisms on those land masses were know broken apart.
     Those organisms could just have easily stayed on the continents, and died there, have the result of the fossils in the colder climate places. Another popular theory, is that the climates from back then could have been much different from what they are in contemporary times. The sun could have created much more warmth on those parts of the earth, and as time changed, they slowly became cold and dreary. 
We are currently beginning a new project, to be exact, the zoo project. The point of the zoo project, is to collect enough information, so you know your animal well enough. Some of these animals may be a bit easier to do this project on, while others remain difficult. The animal that was given to us is known as the Addax. The addax lives in the Sahara desert in Africa, and has spiral like horns. Both genders contain these horns. There is indeed, a distinction between the males and the females. The females tend to be a tad smaller than the males. Both change colors depending on the seasons. The warmer the weather gets, the lighter their coats become. Their coats are specialized, to reflect the hot sunlight, so they can maintain the same body temperature.
      Addax's must adapt well, since they live in an extreme environment.The desert can get up to 120 degrees and maybe even hotter. They have to keep cool at all times, and they use several methods to do so. For one, they are similar to cactuses. They drink lots of water at one time, and have tiny pouches in their stomach lining, so they can maintain that water for a while. They shelter near rock, and cool sandy hollows. As nocturnal as they are, they do most of their traveling at night, simply because the weather is much, much cooler. The addax is almost extinct, and is critically endangered. Survival is important for them.
Throughout the history of science, discoveries were among them. Some discoveries pleaded to have a better concept than others, while non important discoveries remained standing alone. In all truths, I believe that the most important discovery had o be DNA. DNA was actually founded by several people, in which most of them received an honor for them. All, but one individual was honored greatly. DNA is one of the most important in my opinion, simply because DNA is the core of all living things. It's not exactly what keeps us healthy and living, but instead, what we are created from. As previously discussed, DNA is what determines your traits. DNA is also what the cells contain within them.
       Four individuals, Watt, Crick, and Rosalind Franklin all distributed to DNA. Each were equally as important, as they all had a part in it. Some people might believe that DNA would have been discovered anyway, with time. The fact that they were able to discover DNA back then, was amazing. They didn'ty have the best type of technology, but their discovery is the best, compared to modern day discoveries. Althoguh DNA is important, an atom was also descovered. This atom wasn't asny atom, but it had the ability to 
Two hundred million years ago, all of the continents on Earth were joined in one large super continent scientists call Pangaea. The formation of Pangaea dried up many shallow seas, which led to the evolution of new species on land. This is the time during which mammals first began to appear. During the Mesozoic Era, around 190 million years ago, Pangaea began to break up. The breakup resulted in two landmasses: Laurasia, the northern group of continents, and Gondwanaland, the southern group of continents. Gondwanaland included South America, Antarctica, Australia, Africa, and India. By the end of the Cretaceous Period 65 million years ago, Africa and South America had moved apart. By 43 million years ago, Australia and Antarctica had separated and moved to their present locations.

How do we know that these events actually happened? You have probably noticed that South America and Africa seem to fit together like puzzle pieces. Because of this fit, many people wondered if the continents once were joined. A German scientist named Alfred Wegener proposed that all of the continents once had been joined in a supercontinent that he called Pangaea. He suggested that Pangaea began to break apart millions of years ago, and that the continents continued to move until they reached their present locations. He called his hypothesis continental drift. Today, Wegener’s hypothesis is known as the theory of plate tectonics. Wegener was the first scientist to base his hypothesis on more than the fit of the continents. He collected data on rock formations, fossils, and climates to support his hypothesis. Wegener found the same rock formations and fossils in Africa, South America, and Antarctica. Some of the fossils were of species that grew in only one type of climate, yet the fossils were found on continents with differing climates. How could there be fossils of tropical and temperate climate species in Antarctica, a continent that is permanently covered with ice and snow? Have any fossils been found in Antarctica that can support Wegener’s hypothesis, and thus, the theory of plate tectonics?