Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci were both extremely important figures of the Renaissance time. Both were blessed with such artistic skills, that they were honored for them, even to this day. The Sistine Chapel's ceiling, is covered with paintings from Michelangelo. Leonardo da Vinci on the other hand, created the Mona Lisa which is very well known today. If I were to have a choice, I would want to meet Leonardo dea Vinci more. He was considered a Renaissance Man, for his hard paitrinage and work. Michelangelo went blind, simply because paint dripped into his eyes while he was working on the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel.
        The Mona Lisa has a very mysterious facial expression. It is explained as neither a frown or a smile. To meet someone with such artistic skills, and mystery would be fantastic. Leonardo da Vinci was able to create many other art works in his life time. While in his youth, he was appremticed and taught about the arts, and how they were created. To have such valuable lessons taught to the next generation takes skill.

Charles Darwin is one of the most well known naturalist in our time period, even to this day. He is known for his discovery concerning evolution, and the likes of it. His theory of evolution has mechanically changed the way we think about how animals, as well as humans have changed over the years. Extinction is also a factor in evolution. If an animal goes extinct, that animal will go away forever, never to be rediscovered again. For example,the dinosaurs had gone extinct, but the cause is still a puzzling mystery to some scientists. Charles Darwin was an English naturalist that sailed upon the Beagle,a ship. He visited the Galapagos Islands, and did his research on finches.
    What he discovered was remarkable. He was able to find the fact that all the finches were different in some way. Some beak shapes affected the way they ate, and what type of environment they lived in. The cycle of finches had began when they first flew to the Galapagos Islands, from South America. His theory of natural selection has mad it ultimately easier for other scientists today. An example of natural selection, could be a population of lizards. They live in a hot airy desert, and they are all tan colored, so they can blend in with the tan rocks. If you had a black lizard, however, it will stand out and most likely get eaten by a predator. Traits, such as the lizards skin pigmentation, can help that lizard survive.
Throughout the course of European history, I found the Black Death the most fascinating. Not the fact that one third of the population was wiped out, but more along the lines of how it began, and how it spread so quickly. Life in society would have been normal, and almost the same without the Black Death. In fact, the Black Death helped many people who survived with occupations, and jobs. It was said that rats the came in from Asian countries had been flea infested, and got on cargo ships. Those ships set sail to places all over the European continent. At the time, the Black Death was a mystery to many others, simply because they were still dumbfounded about who or what had caused the Black Death. Many had suffered from it, and many even believed that this was a punishment from God.
    As helpless as they were, the surviving people were the lucky ones. They had to avoid others with the Black Death at all charges, and made sure that they were sanitary themselves. What would happen to the people who had the Black Death? They had many symptoms, and buboes growing on their bodies. They would indeed die within a few days, and have many ill fevered other symptoms.