During the winter break, I am mostly sure that families will be traveling out of town to celebrate the holidays. Festivals, and events may take place everywhere. Traveling ranges to going out with other family, or simply staying at home. Some don't even celebrate Christmas at all. Children will be most excited about receiving presents, and spending time with family. I, myself, are not going to do anything sophisticated for this upcoming holiday season. My family, and I, are simply wanting to rest, since we've all been busy. Visiting family might be an option, but my parents will mostly be out working. I feel as if I should still feel capable of actually having a Christmas, simply because there are families out there that can't afford to celebrate the upcoming holidays. Hopefully they will still have the opportunity to celebrate it, without the fancy doings.
        This upcoming Winter Break, should be exciting for most people, and joyful. Everyone should at least try to be happy for this special occasion, even if your not. "Don't be a scrooge" is what most people would say. Christmas time is also the busiest time of year for stores. People might like to do last minute shopping for gifts, and the likes. If there is one favorable holiday, Christmas is a perfect example.Since the Holidays are on their way, cheerful wishes, and greetings should be closer, and closer to this time of year.



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          Most of Japan's ideas, and inventions are based off of countries such as Korea, and China. When Prince Kotoku was in power, he nearly changed most of Japan's government to be exactly like China's. Temples in Japan have also been similar to those in places such as China, and/or Korea. Prince Kotoku had admired the Chinese way, since he was little. When he came into power, he almost modernized all of Japan into China, and even the types of arts were similar. Literature, visual, and even poetry had been similar. The language had varied, some nobles actually spoke Japanese, while the middle, and lower class spoke Chinese.
          China, and Korea had made a huge impact on the way Japan came to be. I believe that you can say Japan is a mixture of the two, but with it's own unique language. Since China and Korea are the bases for Japan, Japan wouldn't be here without the two countries. Some nobles disagreed with the fact of adapting a new government type, and so that is how Japan's government came to be.
              The sun is intense, and burns through my skimpy clothes. Picking weeds in this field only makes me tired and weak. I wish I didn't have to do this. What is this? I hear a sound coming from the west. Turning my head and squinting, I can faintly see something coming towards me. I wonder what it is. I reassure myself that it is nothing, and go back to work. The pounding noise is getting louder, and I can no longer concentrate on my work. Snapping my head back, I suddenly feel faint. For today, the Mongols have arrived. The tiny men on horses are charging through the fields, getting closer to me every second. I must alarm everyone here, but I can't make too much noise, or else the Mongols will find us. Running as fast as I can, I finally reach my house and burst inside. The Mongols are here, I say in a whispered voice.
            Everyone turns to look at me for a second, then they run around hopelessly not knowing what to do. "Stay calm" I command, as they begin to take a seat. "We can all find in the shacks that we built" One person suggests. "Thats a great idea!" Everyone agrees. Slowly my family, and I creep out into the neighboring shacks and quickly crawl inside. Hours seem to pass by, and our crop field is burned down thanks to the Mongols. Peeking outside I see no one, so we all slowly come out. "That was a close one" We all sigh in relief. "Hopefully they won't come back" We add.