The Chinese have taken a large role in history, simply because it dates back a long time ago. During their empires, they have several achievements that has made an impact on us. Out of all the achievements, I believe that the paper, and mechanical clock were the most important. The mechanical clock was created, so we had an easier way of telling time. They used sundials as their source of time back then, but the mechanical clock is much easier to use. If you ever wanted to check the time you would simply just look at the clock, as opposed to the sundial where you had to align it with the sun, and tell time by the shadows. 
          Paper is something that has made most of our lives easier today. We use paper for almost every cause. Paper is used for schools, and even money. Money is more efficient then coins, because coins are heavier, and you would have to carry a large amount of them. Schooling is a main reason for paper, because we use it to write down ideas, math equations, or simply essays Without paper we would be forced to carry around heavy items and have nothing to write on for school. 
         The time is nearing for us to celebrate Thanks giving, Thanks giving is a tim where family and friends like to gather, and be joyous and thankful for something. They could either be thankful for the clothes they have, or the food that is availiable to them. I haven't taken what I am appreciative for yet, but I can finallly understand. I believe that I am thankful for the family that I have, and the fact that we have a shelter to live in. Some people don't have the oppertunity to live in a shelter,or eat the same foods that we have. I am also greatful for the warmth that I live with. The winter is coming up, and as the coldness comes through, we need to have some kind of warth to keep up warm. I am really thankful fpr the heater that keeps my whole family warm.
          The supplies that I obtain should be another reason that I am thankful. Without my family, I couldn't have the school supplies that I have today. My parents didn't need to go out and buy the items I need, but they did, and that shows that they care for my sister, and I. So, as Thanks giving comes up, you should be thankful for something to.
             In each society, we have different types of people to carry out different activities. In West African socienty, they had a griot pronounced (gre-oh). A griot was a story teller, and could also carry out proverbs as well. Griots were very inportatant to the West African society, simply because the passed on stories or proverbs to the next generation, and other generations to come. Griots told old folk tales about West Africa, and West African society. Proverbs were also something griots passed on. Pasing on proverbs were important, especially if you had something to do with that proverbs. Without griots, the African societies wouldn't have any stories or legends passed down to the generationsto come.
              Stories were an important part of Africans, because it is part of their society. Griots should be looked upon as impor




        With the weather becoming cooler, the leaves will soon change color. Many benefits come from fall, for example, The holidays. In actuality there is only one holiday in fall, and is known as Thanksgiving. Students get the week of Thanksgiving off and can relax. I also think that the weather becoming cooler is another benefit. We have had brutal summers with temperatures scorching over 105 degrees. The temperature drop is about 40 to 50 degrees and the winter nights are freezing. It doesn't snow here, but most of us wish it did. In the months to come, hopefuly we will see a nice drop in  degrees.
         The majority of Fresno wants the temperature to drop majorly, and I share thweir beleifs.