Some people are mostly excited for this up coming weekend. They may have plans for a special trip, or a nice vacation, for this coming week is... SPRING BREAK! Finally, the week that we have been  waiting for all our lives is finally here! We can now relax and do the things that we have wanted to do for a while. Spring is probably one of the happiest seasons, in my own opinion, since we have lots of trees, plants, and other items growing. In contrast, some of these plants bring pollens with them, so we might get a lot of individuals with cold like symptoms such as; sneezing, coughing, sore throat, running nose, and headaches. Spring has this vibe that it brings along with it, and rubs off on some people.
      Some festivals and celebrations hold the upcoming of spring. The Asian festival, or celebration, is coming up in April. School activities are beginning to blossom in this time of year. Over spring break, you could take a trip out of town, or even out of the country, as long as you remember to buy your ticket back home. Spring Break is one of the best holiday
As mentioned in the previous "Stress" rant, I have found a couple of tips for people who still have problems with this particular thing. Most people believe that breaking something, or wrecking something will help with their stress, but that may not be the case. Studies have shown that people who take out their objects, and people, are less likely to cool off. Stopping for a moment to realize what is causing the stress might help a bit more. If you figure out what the cause is, then you can get rid of it, by simple talking to someone or taking action against it. In psychology studies, it shows that if you take your anger and stress out on your offspring, then they are most likely to do the exact same thing, except ten times worst to their kin.
   If that prevails, it will be considered abuse. The child will believe that there is nothing wrong with beating their children, but that shouldn't be the case. Studies had a documentary on a young girl. Her mother constantly beat her, and when she grew up, she acted the same upon her child. Stress can be the cause of many harmful dreams as well. Psychology studies also show that children who suffer from 
Many people struggle with dealing with one particular type of disorder, stress. Stress is the most commonly known type of depression that may lead to accidents, and even suicide. Stress can be found in most of any places; school, work, at home, and most of the time, when your rushing to do something, or turn something in. If you believe that stress is getting to you, there are a few solutions. The first solution, is the most efficient; breathing. Taking in deep breaths may not benefit you with your work, but it will lower the stress level, and ultimately make your heart to not beat as fast. Faster heart beats can lead to other issues as well, such as strokes, or even heart attacks. Health issues should be taken into serious consideration, so before you begain to yell at your children, or take your stress out on your dog, just stop and think for a while.
      Your stress can affect other people as well. WHen you're not feeling well, it might rub off on other people, and soon everyone will be mad. If you want to prevent the anger form spreading, just stop yelling. Ranting might also help some people's stress level. Taking it out on an object, such as a lamp might help you.