Some people are mostly excited for this up coming weekend. They may have plans for a special trip, or a nice vacation, for this coming week is... SPRING BREAK! Finally, the week that we have been  waiting for all our lives is finally here! We can now relax and do the things that we have wanted to do for a while. Spring is probably one of the happiest seasons, in my own opinion, since we have lots of trees, plants, and other items growing. In contrast, some of these plants bring pollens with them, so we might get a lot of individuals with cold like symptoms such as; sneezing, coughing, sore throat, running nose, and headaches. Spring has this vibe that it brings along with it, and rubs off on some people.
      Some festivals and celebrations hold the upcoming of spring. The Asian festival, or celebration, is coming up in April. School activities are beginning to blossom in this time of year. Over spring break, you could take a trip out of town, or even out of the country, as long as you remember to buy your ticket back home. Spring Break is one of the best holiday

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