As many of us may, or may not know, we have quite a bit of trending to catch up on. Some styles may appeal to others, and some may not appeal at all. Trends can be found everywhere, in articles of clothing, on the internet, within celebrities, and even at school. Know, my celebrities and my admirers are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE. I found the people like Shel Silverstein, and Einstein amazing, but they aren't celebrities in the modern day world. Back to my original point, please excuse my change of subject, I have recently been to the top trending stores, but nothing hasn't sparked. I wasn't exactly sure what people saw in those article of clothing, that spoke out to them.
  Know, don't get me wrong, I'm not completely off of "Style," but I prefer to dress casually. I immensely despise when individuals try to dress like someone, and then soon, the whole world in dressing like them. One of the modern day styles, is dressing in brightly colored pants. Colors like: orange, red, purple, blue, green, and yellow seem to be the most popular.
   Onto the internet, we have other things going on. First off, if you have a favorite pe
As said in the previous blog posts, we are all very much excited about this coming summer, we all have marvelous plans of traveling, or merely, staying home. The temperatures are ready to rise over 100 degrees, and the swimming pools will be available to us. we can now officially relax, and not worry so much about work or school. Although, some of us may still go to summer school, or work in the summertime, we can still take trips on the days we have off. Now, some of the plans seem a bit more exciting then others. Whether, you're going out of town, the state, the country, visiting amusement parks, or relatives, we can have fun! I, myself, and going to see my favorite band at a concert. The excitement level will continue to rise.
  Some individuals don't like the summer time as much, and prefer the weather to be a bit cooler. They might not like tans, sweating, or sun burns everywhere. Living in a desert region doesn't help that AT ALL. Instead, to prevent ourselves from killing each other over the A.C. or the fan, we can stay in the shade. The temperature differs about 10 degrees in the shade. Once the sun goes down, the cool summer breezes begin to pick up. So instead of sweating like a pig, open your windows, and let the refreshing winds inside. In fact, I believe that most people PREFER to stay cooler when it's hot. Once Autumn time comes, we will finally return to school. Some might be anticipating it, while others are clearly thrilled about seeing their friends, and teachers. 
No, I'm not talking about the types of dreams you have for growing up, but instead, the type of dreams you have during the night. Now, we all may know, dreams can come in many random shapes or forms. Some might be considered nightmares, while others are sweet drams. Most of us may not remember them at all. Research has showed, however, even if you don't remember your dreams doesn't mean you don't have them. On average, the human has up to 9 dreams in one night. The stage of sleep you're in also is an important factor. Some individuals like to say that if you are in a lighter stage of sleep, you tend to have more dreams. Although it may seem the opposite I will reason with it now.
    When you're in a lighter stage of sleep, your brain is having more activity. The more activity your brain is going through, the more dreams are produced. Excercising before going to sleep may be one of the causes of dreams.
As we all know, as much as we love our friends, and most of our teachers, we probably request for some type of  big break. Spring Break has already passed, and we could get all the rest we needed.(Well, some of us.) We must go through this entire quarter, until we reach memorial day, in which we happen to have off. Until then, the next big thing is..... SUMMER! Yes! Summer is coming in about 2 1/2 months from now. We can finally relax, and not have to stress or worry about any type of homework. We can finally be free of school. I would suspect that even some of the teachers are thrilled to finally have a break from grading papers, and tests. Now, we can all peacefully go swimming, or do other activities that we are not allowed to do in the winter time, or during the school year.
    Of course, some of us may be studying for the following year, or even buying new school supplies or something of that sort. Summer is a time of stress-free, and fun where, we may need to cherish that moment.