Tears continue to pour down my eyes, as I realize that this is my last Free Write Friday. Through the course of this year, we were to maintain several blogs, and keep our blog posts as well. We have different types of blog posts, ranging from science, to history, math, and of course, Free-Write Fridays. I always looked forward to writing in this section of my blogs, so I could finally write something about me, or maybe an interesting book that I had read lately. My obsessions were even charted here. I really felt as if I was free to write about whatever I wanted, or needed to talk about. My way of ranting, and arguing were in here as well. For this final Friday Free-Write, I have decided to chart my story that I am currently writing. 
The hot summer breeze began to flourish the curtains, and keep the air inside the house cool. Anne stood facing the window. "Tomorrow I go back to school, fantastic," She thought to herself. She attended one of London's finest schools. Although it was a public school, Anne was at least happy that she had the chance of getting some type of education. An orphan she was as well, she lived with the rest of the children in the orphanage, and never gave a doubtful thought. That all changed until the day she met him. His name was Harry.~

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