As we all know, as much as we love our friends, and most of our teachers, we probably request for some type of  big break. Spring Break has already passed, and we could get all the rest we needed.(Well, some of us.) We must go through this entire quarter, until we reach memorial day, in which we happen to have off. Until then, the next big thing is..... SUMMER! Yes! Summer is coming in about 2 1/2 months from now. We can finally relax, and not have to stress or worry about any type of homework. We can finally be free of school. I would suspect that even some of the teachers are thrilled to finally have a break from grading papers, and tests. Now, we can all peacefully go swimming, or do other activities that we are not allowed to do in the winter time, or during the school year.
    Of course, some of us may be studying for the following year, or even buying new school supplies or something of that sort. Summer is a time of stress-free, and fun where, we may need to cherish that moment. 

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