Out of the numerous books I have read this year, I found that I had more than one favorite. Each had  their own individual category. These books ranged from mystery, to adventure, to novels. Although I loved to read the warrior series, and the Princess Academy books, my favorite this year has to be a book titled The Clearing. This book is about a girl by the name of Cassy,and she dwells in a secluded forest area with the rest of her family. Fatherless, her brother carries on duties for her. She begins to wonder aimlessly one day while searching for almost nothing, when she comes across a clearing. This clearing is a time machine basically. There seems to be fog covering the whole clearing. She hears motor noises, and decides to step forward. A boy, around her age, is seen mowing his lawn. Quizzically, she really has no idea where she is, or how she got there. All she known, is that she is lost, physically and mentally.
     The plot is, the boy, Henry, has been living in the past, and his brother is out in war. He goes MIA,and they don't know where he is. Henry prays that time will freeze, and that is exactly what happened. 

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